Unknown Uses of Google Photos

Google Photos is the photo app that has been designed by google.
We all may know that is used to store Photos in the Cloud Which can be accessed by us irrespective of device and memory, but there are some hidden uses of which, you might not have explored.
Here are such Uses:

Editing Photos and Videos:
We can make a photo slideshow with the pictures present in  the library and add in some music and some titles etc.,
You can create a video presentation with existing images/videos or u can edit,trim videos and add to the presentation.
But the editing features are limited to certain fields such as effects, animation creating a slow motion etc.,but somehow i find it useful to make picture slideshows.

Searching made Easy:
We may be lost in a number of photos so its sometimes hard finding a picture or an event. You must remember the year and month to find out a particular image.
But do you know we can get the photos by typing in the name of any person in the picture or the place where it has been taken?? Yes it is possible. Here's how:

  • Google photos usually identifies people's faces and shows it under the album's tab. identify each face and add a name to it.
  • The next time if you need to search a picture with that person just type the name in search box, it will display all the images with that person.
  • You can also search by your geographical location. Usually every photo has the detail of where it is taken, so type-in the location to search for the pictures taken in that particular location. For ex., New Brunswick, Philadelphia
  • You can also search with things that are present in the photo ,For ex.,Snow, car etc.,
  • You can also Search specifically such as "selfie's","screenshot"  and also based on the event, For Ex., "Birthday 2013" it will display all the birthday celebration pictures you have in your library.
Sharing Uncompressed Images:
You may think Whats app has made sharing media easier, Yes,it Has..!! But in some cases You need the image with original resolution,whereas in whats app the original resolution if the image is compromised. In that case You have to upload the image to an email and send it.
Just imagine if the image is already in you image library in "Google Photos" it's Just a click. You can share a link where the photos can be downloaded from.

Google Photo Assistant:
Many of You may know google assistant ,coz it shows memories in google photos.
Apart from that google photo assistant also does animation and movies.
As i mentioned earlier movies can be made with the images/videos.
Sometimes "google photos" create an animation with related photos, in case you need to create your own animation that is also possible, You just need to select the similar images and create an animation.

Partner Account:
Its this new Feature that has been introduced in Google Photos.
Here You can select a partner to share the pictures in your library. Either You can share the entire library or you can chose for specific photos by choosing the faces from "People" tab. You can also specify the time i.e from which time period the photos should be shared to that person.

Photo Book:
Photo Book is the newly added feature in Google Photos Where You can order a photo book with the pictures in your library.

Scanning Photos:
Google Photos also offer scanning. For this you also need to install the "Google Scan "app.
With the help of which you can scan any pictures and add it to your library directly.

These are some of the many uses of Google Photos Which i have explored..!!! Would like to hear from You if there are any other features that are present apart from these..!!!


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